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Turn off Microsoft docs auto-translate

Problem definition

Are you living in not english-native country and Microsoft docs is always redirecting you to your native language page? Is this often auto-translated page which makes no sense at all and you have to swich manually to english version each time you visit?

This short article is about a simple little trick of how to resolve that annoying issue with just a few steps.

How to change the language in Microsoft docs at all (manually)?

Ok, so here we got at least three options:
1. Use a switch button which is visible on the top of an article.
Azure Docs language switch

  1. Use a button on the bottom of the page. This will redirect us to the same page, but with "en-us" instead of "pl-pl" (my native language as an example).
    Azure Docs language button

  2. Change the address manually.
    Microsoft Docs PL and ENG version

    NOTE: This is exactly what we are looking for. It can be easily automated with simple auto-redirect rule!

How to change the language in Microsoft docs automatically?

Here is a very simple step-by-step instrucion how to achieve it:
1. Install: Redirector (Google Chrome extension).
2. Once it is installed open its settings.
3. Add proper redirection rule:
Redirector settings
4. That`s all!

Since now you will always be redirected to the english version of docs!

NOTE: This solution assumes that you are using Google Chrome or some other Chromium-based browser (i.e. I use Vivaldi), but it can be applied in other web browsers as well. All you have to do is to find out the proper plugin which will allow you to make proper redirections.


Do you know any other solutions to that problem? Please share in the comments section! People will appreciate! 馃檪


  1. Matt Murdock

    Wow! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for this. Helped a lot 馃榾

  3. Pawel

    I finally found it. Thank you for these screens.

  4. gdfg

    Thanks a lot. This simple trick will solve this pain in the ass that microsoft doesn’t add a simple option to turn off for whatever reason on Earth.

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